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27. April 2023

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Diese Seite ist online seit dem 12. April 2012.

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
Encounters with Star People - Untold Stories of American Indians
Paperback, 204 Seiten, Anomalist Books 2012.
ISBN 978-1933665726

A unique and significant UFO document! A noted American Indian researcher offers up a collection of intimate narratives of encounters between contemporary American Indians and the Star People. The frist-person accounts, described as concious experiences and recalled without the aid of hypnosis, reveal a worldview that unquestionably accepts the reality of the Star People as ancestors, which allows for interactions that take place without fear and helps explain the uniqueness of the encounters and experiences.

The stories are told by people from all walks of life. Some had graduate degrees, others had never attended school. Some were adept at technology, others had never used a cell phone, owned a computer or a television set. A few of the stories are about events that occurred before the 1947 Roswell incident, however, the majority of the events took place between 1990 and 2010.

This book significantly contributes to the knowledge about UFOs from a group that until now have mostly remained silent. For readers, it is likely they will never look at the UFO phenomenon in the same way again.

Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University, has dedicated her life and career to working with indigenous populations. She is the author of several children’s books and the bestselling „Sisters in the Blood“. While retired from academia, Dr. Clarke continues to work as a consultant to American Indian tribes and indigenous communities worldwide. She maintains a blog, a poetry page, and a photo gallery entitled „A Day in the Life“, which embodies the beauty of Mother Earth and her creatures at www.sixkiller.com. Dr. Clarke lives in Montana with her husband, Kip Szczygiel, her beloved Lhasa Apso, Prarie Rose, and her Maine Coon cat, Rez Perez.

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke

Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica

Paperback, 320 Seiten, New Page Books 2014.

ISBN 978-1601633477

Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, author of Encounters With Star People, vowed as a teenager to follow in the footsteps of two 19th-century explorers, John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, who brought the ancient Maya cities to the world's attention. Dr. Clarke set out on a seven-year adventure (from 2003 through 2010) through Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, collecting stories of encounters, sky gods, giants, little people, and aliens among the indigenous people. She drove more than 12,000 miles, visiting 89 archaeological sites (Stephens and Catherwood visited only 44) and conducting nearly 100 individual interviews.

The result is an enthralling series of unique, original, true stories of encounters with space travelers, giants, little people, and UFOs. Sky People may very well change the way you perceive and experience the world.


Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke brings to the field of ufology degrees in history, English, psychology, and educational leadership and a background as a teacher, university professor, administrator, licensed therapist and psychologist, and social science researcher. As a professor emeritus at Montana State University and director of the Center for Bilingual/Multicultural Education, Dr. Clarke has focused on working with indigenous people. Her first book was the best-seller Encounters With Star People. She lives in a mountain cabin in Big Sky, Montana. Her Website, www.sixkiller.com, provides updates on her activities.


"Commendations are due to Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke. She shares her unique understanding of American Indian cultures and traditions. And now, as a story-teller, she honors thousands of participants and their families by collecting and reporting their extraterrestrial encounters. The UFO community - and all of humanity - is blessed by her heritage, training and professional effort to combine Science and Spirit."


R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD, professor emeritus, University of Wyoming

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke

More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians tell their Stories

Paperback, 338 Seiten, Anomalist Books 2016.

ISBN 978-1938398629

Following on her bestselling book, Encounters with Star People, which told the stories of those living on the reservation, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke's new book details the UFO stories of American Indians who live off the reservation. One intriguing difference between the two groups: there were more cases of physical evidence presented to back up the testimony of urban American Indians. As with her first book, this volume not only recounts their encounters, but the recounting itself becomes part of the story. A professor emeritus at Montana State University, the author reveals herself as part UFO investigator, part journalist, part therapist, and part friend. The result is a work of great authenticity.


Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke is Professor Emeritus at Montana State University and former director of the Center for Bilingual/Multicultural Education. Clarke has worked with indigenous people for most of her career. Her first book in the field of UFOlogy was the bestseller Encounters with Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians. This was followed by Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica. She is also the author of twelve children’s books and the bestselling academic text Sisters in the Blood: The Education of Women in Native America.

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
Space Age Indians: Their Encounters with the Blue Men, Reptilians, and other Star People

Paperback, 344 Seiten, Anomalist Books 2019.
ISBN 978-1949501001

Space Age Indians presents the encounters of American Indians who lived from the time when the first human astronauts ventured into space to the present day - a time known as the Space Age. Almost all the experiencers interviewed by the author have used computers, social media, and the internet, at least to some extent. While their stories differ significantly from those not exposed to all the media information about UFOs and aliens, it did not appear to influence their experience. Their amazing and sometimes bizarre stories represent just a fraction of the more than four thousand accounts the author has collected over the years of interviewing American Indians around the country about their encounters with the Star People.

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