"Anecdotal evidence by credible witnesses, especially when they describe similar observations, is data."

Garry P. Nolan,

27. April 2023

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UFOs: Drei klassische Fälle


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Diese Seite ist online seit dem 12. April 2012.

Carl W. Feindt

UFOs and Water: Physical Effects of UFOs on Water Through Accounts by Eyewitnesses

Paperback, 556 Seiten, Lulu Publishing Services 2016.

ISBN 978-1483441450

UFOs have approximately 75% of this planet in which to operate undetected. Adding another piece to the puzzle from dissimilar puzzle pieces supplied by ufologists throughout the years of UFO history, a picture is starting to take shape. UFO researcher Carl W. Feindt has not only contributed his own small piece, but he has also connected many of the previous pieces to form an enlightening and highly plausible theory. Feindt’s studies concern Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) that enter and exit the dense medium of water. This aspect aroused his curiosity, because while we humans do not understand alien science, we do know our water. This book contains cases from just about every type of body of water, from puddles to oceans. It opens a long-overlooked door to discover the operating principles of UFOs by closely observing water’s reaction to these craft and finding similarities among cases involving water.

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© Michael A. Landwehr (soweit nicht anders angegeben)