"Anecdotal evidence by credible witnesses, especially when they describe similar observations, is data."

Garry P. Nolan,

27. April 2023

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Diese Seite ist online seit dem 12. April 2012.

James T. Lacatski, Colm A. Kelleher & George Knapp
Skinwalkers at the Pentagon - An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program

Paperback, 225 Seiten, RTMA 2021.
ISBN 979-8487639653

Skinwalkers at the Pentagon unmasks the massive scope of the Pentagon’s landmark UFO study that ran from the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington, D.C. The Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program, or AAWSAP investigated the “Tic Tac” and other “nuts and bolts” UFO events, analyzed intrusions of UFOs onto US military bases, as well as probed the plethora of bizarre phenomena that government investigators encountered on Skinwalker Ranch.


Written by two program insiders and a respected journalist, Skinwalkers at the Pentagon comes to a conclusion that has never before been revealed!


Encountering UFOs often led to the “attachment” of strange phenomena to military personnel who visited the Ranch and brought “something” home to their families, resulting in frightening eruptions of paranormal events in their households that terrorized and sometimes injured their children.


By the end of the two-year program, more than 100 separate technical reports, some of which ran to hundreds of pages, were delivered to the Defense Intelligence Agency. Among them was a 149-page report on the Soviet (and now Russian) UAP investigation/analysis capability. Another details the design and build of a functional prototype for an autonomous Unidentified Aerial Phenomena surveillance platform.


Skinwalkers at the Pentagon has been reviewed by the U.S. Department of Defense and CLEARED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE.

James T. Lacatski, Colm A. Kelleher & George Knapp
Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program - Initial Revelations

Paperback, 316 Seiten, Bowker 2023.
ISBN 979-8989114610

'Initial Revelations' is the follow up book to 'Skinwalkers at the Pentagon'. It digs deeply into the behind-the-scenes activity of the biggest and most far-reaching United States Government covert UFO program in history. The Pentagon’s landmark UFO study ran from the Defense intelligence Agency (DIA) in Washington, D.C., and was executed by Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Quote from this book: "At the conclusion of a 2011 meeting in the Capitol building with a U.S. Senator and an agency Under Secretary, Lacatski, the only one of this book’s authors present, posed a question. He stated that the United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior. This craft had a streamlined configuration suitable for aerodynamic flight but no intakes, exhaust, wings, or control surfaces. In fact, it appeared not to have an engine, fuel tanks, or fuel. Lacatski asked: What was the purpose of this craft? Was it a life-support craft useful only for atmospheric reentry or what? If it was a spacecraft, then how did it operate?"


The authors reveal the deep commitment to physics and engineering of the United States Government- contracted UFO researchers as they sought to answer Lacatski’s seminal questions.

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